Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Under the weather and Graduation

It's been a while since my last post, I have been a bit under the weather. I made it all winter without incident but then once we got back to Michigan and I was exposed to the Nieces and what ever I may have come in contact with when I went in for a physical was just more than my system could handle. It sort of knocked hell out of me for about 5 days but we are finally on our way to recovery.

Amanda our youngest graduated from Michigan State this last weekend with a Civil Engineering degree. The graduation ceremony went smoothly, then we met back at Mom's for a steak fry with some of the neighbors and a couple of Manda's long time school friends.

She has a job lined up with the Oregon Department of Transportation. Our next big project will be to get her focussed on finding a place a to live before we get her there, what she will be taking with her and the general logistics of getting her there and ready to go to work the beginning of June. Linda has pretty much everything lined up that she can but we still need to know how much we are taking and such so we can rent a truck for the move. She has a beater of a car (97 Pontiac Grand Am) that runs pretty good but sure looks like junk. It is hard to decide if we should just try to sell it here and get a new vehicle for her in Oregon or spend a little to fix this one up and transport it to Oregon. She has a lead on a room in a house that would be very close to work so maybe it would be better to let the raggedy car sit around rather than having a new vehicle getting the usual dings and dents with little usage.

The fish pond is up and running, clearing up nicely. Only have 1 fish left so we will need to pick up some replacements pretty soon. It was a really tough winter and our luck over-wintering fish didn't fair as well this year as it has in the past. I have had the usual repairs to the stream and bog areas to eliminate water leaks but nothing more than expected.

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