Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Back in Michigan, Cook Duty and Identifying Stroke Symptoms

We arrived back in Howell early Friday afternoon, April 18. We had good weather all the way home and it's hard to believe but we have even had good weather since we arrive. Word is it's not going to last but we have to be thankful for what we get.

It's been a busy week so far, the neighbors and family got together on Sunday for a steak fry. I got recruited to do the grilling. Then on Tuesdays the family gets together at Mom's for dinner. Jamie asked me to make her Mexican Chicken, so I have been pretty busy cooking!

Linda and I had dentist appointments on Tuesday and I had a Dr's appointment on Wednesday for my annual physical. Good news at the dentist both of us just had cleanings with no signs of problems. My physical went well until it was time to draw blood for cholesterol checks and such. At the end of the struggle I had three new holes in my arms and I still had all my blood. In the past, they have had trouble drawing blood but have always succeeded, but today I guess I just didn't co-operate! They decided to send me to the lab to have my blood drawn, and I decided to let my arms heal up a bit before I tried again.

We have added a new article to our web site outlining the STR hints for recognizing when someone's having a stroke. Please have a look, it could save a life.

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