Monday, April 14, 2008

Inspections and Registrations are complete

Things went quite smoothly this morning. I was awake early so we got under way by 7:30. First stop was the RV Shack to get both vehicles inspected. We managed to be first in line, so they took the coach in first thing. As we were being inspected another guy came for an inspection but was turned away, seems we got the last two inspection stickers they had on hand. Everything went fine and we were on our way to the Polk County Tax Office by 9AM.

Since it is downtown and there is not a lot of parking we left the coach at the WalMart at the junction of 190 and 59. We thought we might have a problem at the tax office when we saw the sign that said no out of county checks. Apparently that is just an out if they have a suspicion about the customer. They were happy to take our out of state check.

From there it was back to WalMart to get the new plates on, then we headed for the Texas Department of Public Safety. Big snag here, seems the camera and computer were down and they were waiting for their tech support guy to show up and get things going again. So at lunch time we are waiting for the office to open back up from their lunch break so we can call to verify things are back up and running again. I am taking the time to study for the drivers test a bit more.

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